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Eligibility Requirements

Two letters of recommendation: One from an academic reference, such as a teacher or guidance counselor, and one from someone outside the student’s educational institution, such as a community leader, employer, or business owner.

Essay (minimum 500 words, maximum 1000, 12 pt. font, double spaced) explaining future goals, c involvement in international community and a general knowledge/understanding of international affairs.

Resume with outline of accomplishments

Copy of high school transcript or college transcript. Both high school and college transcripts are required if the applicant/student is in their first year of college.

Minimum 3.0 GPA (unweighted).

All applications are due by July30.Recipients will be announced by August 30.

If a scholarship is awarded, the recipient will need to provide his/her/their social security number.


The scholarship opportunity is open to all US High School students and US residents, having a 3.0 GPA (unweighted) or higher, and currently attending any US high school, college or university.

All applicants for a scholarship must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program with in an accredited college, university, or in an accredited program offered by a technical or vocational school, located in the US

If awarded, a scholarship of $1,000.00 will be paid out in two installments,. Applicants may reapply each year, however there is no guarantee of award. Applicants awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship (“Recipients”) may reapply for and may receive one renewal scholarship, so long as the Recipient has maintained at least a 3.0 GPA (unweighted), however, there is no guarantee of a renewal scholarship for any Recipient. A renewal scholarship, if awarded, shall be paid out in one or two additional, separate installments.

Financial Need will be a consideration, but is not a requirement.

Ambassadorial Roundtable membership/involvement is not a requirement, but will be viewed favorably.

Scholarship Recipients are required to attend one Young Diplomats meeting during their first college year.

Scholarship money is provided directly to the student. Funds will be released upon the receipt of proof of enrollment.

Completed application packets are only accepted in electronic form and must be e-mailed  after payment was submitted to   Chris Hanson.

Application fee: $30.00 non-refundable  


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