Our Signature Program: Diplomats for Kids  exposes under served school children to foreign affairs, the diplomatic community  and international  business. On behalf of the Ambassadorial Roundtable, diplomats visit inner city schools and under served neighborhoods, sharing information about  their country, education, experience in diplomacy and travel encounters. This is a philanthropic effort aimed at exposing children who do not have opportunities to travel to international relations early on in life.


american-red-crossAs part of our Social Responsibility Program we are proud to announce our new partnership and support for the The American Red Cross.The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.

In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. The Red Cross is independent. The national societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross principles.The Red Cross is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. There can be only one Red Cross society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.The Red Cross is a worldwide institution in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other.

Los Angeles Region serves nearly 10 million people in 88 cities within Los Angeles County, also  serving  Inyo and Mono Counties and the eastern third of Kern County.

Over the past 100 years, the Red Cross LA story continues to be a story of: lives saved; comfort provided; steadfast support and compassion on-call all hours of every single day. The humanitarian spirit the very spirit of our staff, donors, and volunteers is what fuels our efforts. And it is time to celebrate being 100 years strong! 






With nine programs and one mission, has contributed to the San Diego community for over 60 years supporting individuals in creating better lives for themselves and their families. We partnered with Harvard Alumni, we assembled hygiene kits, rolled silverware and created candy bags for ca. 1800 homeless individuals expected at the 1st of 3 annual meals. 



At the turn of the 19th century, La Jolla was a simple village sparsely populated by small cottages.  Without the right to vote and to have legal custody of their children, women faced a number of issues.  In 1894 a small group of women in La Jolla met to talk about current affairs and literature. This group, initially known as the Woman’s Literacy Club of La Jolla, evolved into a large and prominent group. Speakers such as Helen Keller and Lucy Stone were invited to speak on a variety of topics including women’s suffrage and the lack of female representation in the American political system. In 1901, Ellen Browning Scripps became president of the club and the name was changed to La Jolla Woman’s Club.

The Ambassadorial Roundtable is a proud co-sponsor of the 110th Anniversary Gala of the La Jolla Woman's Club. Dr. Ina von Ber, President & CEO, will serve as chair of the event. Please click here to purchase tickets for the event.




Human trafficking is a $32 billion annual industry in the US which involves the transport or trade of people for the purpose of work. In 2015, according to U.N reports, about 2.5 million people around the world are ensnared in the web of human trafficking at any given time. People of all backgrounds are trafficked for a variety of purposes. Men are often trafficked into hard labor jobs, while children are trafficked into labor positions in textile, agriculture and fishing industries. Women and girls are typically trafficked into the commercial sex industry, prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.Innocence in Danger is a worldwide movement for protection of children against all forms of sexual abuse. Being inspired by the UNESCO conference “Pornography and Pedophilia on the Internet, a Global Challenge, “ courageous and determined Homayra Selleir, CEO, founded the organization in 1999, giving renewed hope to all people affected by the atrocities of human trafficking .

Innocence in Danger is a non for profit international organization, with 12 offices worldwide. It gathers activists, technology experts, jurists, policy makers and media professionals to raise international awareness about the growing scourge of pedo-criminality. It is focused on avocation of child rights, education of violations in association with governmental bodies, European and international organizations, enterprises and people (schools, local communities, youth groups).

French flagLa traite des personnes est une industrie annuelle de 32 milliards de $ aux États-Unis qui implique le transport ou le commerce de personnes aux fins de travail. En 2015, selon les rapports de l'ONU, environ 2,5 millions de personnes dans le monde sont pris au piège dans la toile de traite des êtres humains à un moment donné. Les gens de tous les milieux sont victimes de traite à des fins diverses. Les hommes sont souvent victimes de la traite dans les emplois de travaux forcés, tandis que les enfants sont victimes de trafic à des postes de travail dans les industries du textile, de l'agriculture et de la pêche. Les femmes et les filles sont généralement victimes de la traite dans l'industrie du sexe commercial, à savoir la prostitution ou d'autres formes d'exploitation sexuelle.
Innocence en danger est un mouvement mondial pour la protection des enfants contre toutes les formes d'abus sexuels. Étant inspiré par la conférence «La pornographie et la pédophilie sur Internet, un défi mondial», l'UNESCO courageux et déterminé Homayra Selleir, chef de la direction, l'organisation fondée en 1999, donnant un nouvel espoir à toutes les personnes touchées par les atrocités de la traite des êtres humains.

Innocents en péril est un non pour le profit organisation internationale, avec 12 bureaux dans le monde. Il rassemble des militants, des experts en technologie, des juristes, des décideurs et des professionnels des médias pour sensibiliser la communauté internationale sur le fléau grandissant de la pédo-criminalité. Il est axé sur des passe-droits de l'enfant, l'éducation des violations en association avec les organismes gouvernementaux, les organisations européennes et internationales, des entreprises et des personnes (les écoles, les communautés locales, les groupes de jeunes).

S'il vous plaît joindre à la Ambassadeurs Rundtable que nous célébrons le 15e anniversaire du "Innocence en Danger" dans le 16ème Novembre, 2015 Paris,France. Tous les profits de l' événement seront versées à Innocence en Danger.


German FlagMenschenhandel ist ein $ 32 Milliarden Jahresindustrie in den USA, die den Transport oder Handel von Menschen zum Zwecke der Arbeit beinhaltet. Im Jahr 2015, nach UN-Berichten, etwa 2,5 Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sind in der Web von Menschenhandel zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt verstrickt. Menschen aller Kulturen sind für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken gehandelt werden. Männer sind oft in Zwangsarbeit Jobs Handel, während die Kinder in Arbeitspositionen in Textil-, Agrar- und Fischereiindustrien verschleppt. Frauen und Mädchen werden in der Regel in die kommerzielle Sexindustrie, Prostitution oder anderer Formen der sexuellen Ausbeutung.

Innocence in Danger ist eine weltweite Bewegung für den Schutz der Kinder vor allen Formen des sexuellen Missbrauchs. Begeistert von der UNESCO-Konferenz "Pornographie und Pädophilie im Internet, eine globale Herausforderung," mutig und entschlossen Homayra Selleir, CEO, gründete die Organisation im Jahr 1999 geben neue Hoffnung für alle von den Gräueltaten von Menschenhandel Betroffenen.

Innocence in Danger ist eine internationale Organisation mit 12 Büros weltweit. Es sammelt Aktivisten, Technologieexperten, Juristen, Politiker und Medien-Profis, um das internationale Bewusstsein über den wachsenden Geißel der pedo-Kriminalität zu erhöhen. Es basiert auf Nebenbeschäftigung der Kinderrechte, Bildung von Verstößen im Zusammenhang mit staatlichen Stellen, europäische und internationale Organisationen, Unternehmen und Personen (Schulen, Gemeinden, Jugendgruppen) konzentriert.

Die Ambassadorial Roundtable hat sich mit Innocence In Danger zusammengeschlossen, um den 15. Jahrestag dieser Organisation zu feiern. Alle Gewinne aus dem Event wird Innocence in Danger profitieren.