
Angela Merkel, German Chancellor


Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia


Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State


Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State







Cristina Kirchner, Prime Minister of Argentina

Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister New Zealand

Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister Thailand

Élisabeth Borne, Prime Minister of France

GOLDA MEIR IN AMERICA - American Jewish Archives

Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel

Remembering Margaret Thatcher | TED Blog

Margret Thatcher, Prime Minister of  U.K

Finland's prime minister Sanna Marin denies taking drugs at 'wild' party caught on video -

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland                                             

TEAR DOWN THE WALL is our Women in International Diplomacy Forum which offers valuable opportunities to meet and interact with women taking leading roles in  international relations, foreign policy issues, legal affairs, global diplomacy, business, science, human rights, the arts, legal and more. The intimate gatherings provide opportunities to explore current topics, discuss breaking news and discover new interests in an inviting and thought-provoking setting.



                            WOMEN OF INFLUENCE 


San Diego Chief of Police (ret.)


Terrorism, Domestic and International Security Issues, Antisemitism

April 2024

Shelley Zimmerman,  San Diego Chief of Police (ret), discusses terrorism, domestic and international security issues, antisemitism, and focuses on opportunities to combat adversity by engaging in new, innovative and collaborative initiatives. Chief Zimmermann is a 35-year law enforcement professional recognized for community outreach initiatives and innovative solutions to achieve safer neighborhoods. Believes public safety is a shared responsibility. During four-year tenure as chief (2014-2018), San Diego experienced historic low crime rates, including the lowest homicide rate per capita of any of the largest cities in the country. In 2017, the City of San Diego had the lowest overall crime in the past 49 years and was named the safest large City in America. Champions lifelong learning and wellness in support of first responders to help build safer communities. San Diego Union-Tribune click here to read more. 2/23/24  and  4/2/24. The Competitive Edge.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bisera Turković , Dr. Ina von Ber, CEO Ambassadorial Roundtable  


Head of the Department for Business Services at the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs, Ulrike Ritzinger, Dr. Ina von Ber, CEO Ambassadorial Roundtable













California Secretary of State Shirley Weber & Ina von Ber, CEO Ambassadorial Roundtable at World Diplomatic Forum

Amb.Bosnia and Herzegovina Jadranka Negodic & Trinidad & Tobago, Amb. Martin, Dr. Ina von Ber


Founded in 2013, the Ambassadorial Roundtable's "Women in Diplomacy" program focused on increasing the presence and participation of women in foreign relations as an essential part of our future. With the active participation of women and the incorporation of women’s perspective at all levels of decisionmaking, the goals of equality, development and peace can be achieved. Women holding posts in politics, foreign relations and diplomacy are encouraged to join the Ambassadorial Roundtable's " Women in Diplomacy Roundtable". 





In a world where women are increasingly crucial to international and domestic politics, the United States is ranked 79th in terms of women´s political participation. This puts us far behind many countries that we designate as “Third World."Creating female world leaders is essential.Read more here.